Seriously, Worst. Blogger. Ever.
It has been four months since I last updated here. Four Months!! Wowzy. I have been busy. Probably, not so busy that I couldn't have thrown out a post here and there but busy.

We finished getting our house ready to go on the market and listed it on April 6. A crazy thing happened in our neighborhood, one house sold for an extraordinary amount and it caused everything to go insane. Everyone who was selling listed their houses for unthinkabley high numbers and our agent had us do the same and then all of the houses sat on the market. And sat. And so all of those prices started coming down, down, down until we finally hit the magic number and got a good offer. All is going smoothly with that we should be moving out in early July.

That, of course, meant, house shopping! Fun and awful at the same time. We knew our budget didn't allow perfection but it was challenging deciding what to sacrifice. My husband was pretty much willing to sacrifice the whole house for a great yard, while I had much more unwavering needs for my house. In the end we ended up with a good house with a good yard. The house needs some cosmetic improvements but the house itself is large and well laid out and the backyard and outdoor spaces are very nice. I'm really looking forward to making in our own. I don't want to wait 5 weeks to move in, even though I obviously need the time to move out of the old place.
So, exciting things. What else?
My daughter finished her first year of preschool and it really bummed about summer vacation.
My son is finishing up 4 months of eye patching and we will visit the opthalmologist in a few weeks to see if his bad eye got stronger.
Dance recitals, lacrosse tournaments, playdates, weekend trips to visit favorite family members, visits from other favorite family members
It's a busy, stressful, crazy time but very, very exciting.